Thursday, September 3, 2009

Common Sense, Right & Wrong..

Where have these values gone to ?
The majority of Americans were probably raised with these values, yet in politics, and more specfically, in congress & the White House, it seems they don't exist.
We are blasted day after day with the right vs the left, right vs wrong, and a bare minimum of common sense.
Where & when did we, as a country, go wrong? Despite the continuing bad, and sometimes criminal, records of our representitives, we keep electing them. Why ?
Have we become so complaicent and numb that out future doesn't matter?
Are we so out of touch & lazy that we don't care?
Beck, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin, Colter are all true Conservatives, but they cannot bring about the true change we need. Good speakers, good ideas, and good leaders are needed.
For the lack of a better word, a revolution is needed. Not a bloody uprising, but an intelligent & passionate one brought out by true Americans. Americans who value our freedoms, and want to see the out of control government stopped.
This is our country. Don't let it become a third world socialist regime.
Get involved. Get educated. Fight for our rights and our freedoms
It's not too late..

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