Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pallone, Menendez must go

N.J. Voters , it's time to wake up. Time to get rid of the two most useless public officials. Frank Pallone and Bob Menendez of N.J. have shown total disregard for the American people, with their pass at all all cost Socoialist health care.These two clowns with their radical left liberial agenda will never listen to the public.
These two progressive's are deaf to the American public and it's time to show them it's time to go. Wake up N.J. lets vote in people who care for N.J. and America.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Hits keep comming for the Democrats

After the embarrassing defeat Monday by Scott Brown, The news about John Edwards is comical.
Every journalist knew he fathered the baby of his Mistress. Our Vice President wannabe showed
his credibility by lying through his teeth at every opportunity. These are the people who want
to run our Country. Very sad, lairs , con men call them what you want the end results are the same. The Country will continue to suffer until the whole Country wakes up and sees these
power grabber's for what they are. Time to make changes.